The Infinite Holiday

I swam in a new ocean, saw the Atlantic from a new corner, made lots of new friends, saw some people I’d been missing, said good byes that are always tough, won an excellent game of pool, and explored a new city this holiday. Last year was a whirlwind, and it’s not looking like this one will be any different! Continue reading “The Infinite Holiday”

Ladies’ Empowerment, Through Zazi


Last weekend, I helped facilitate a Zazi camp with my favorite fellow PCV, Molly! It went super well, thanks to a whole lot of groundwork done by Molly, the generosity of Daktari Bush and Wildlife School, and, most importantly, a pretty stellar level of participation from the girls we were working with.  Continue reading “Ladies’ Empowerment, Through Zazi”

A Completed Computer Class!

A while back, I mentioned that I had begun teaching a computer class for grade 7 girls in my village as a way to begin to combat gender inequality. We, me and 21 of them, met each Tuesday and Thursday for about one hour after school. A few weeks ago, they finished the course! I wanted to tell you all a little bit more about the curriculum, and my future plans…or hopes, more aptly.   Continue reading “A Completed Computer Class!”

Celebrating Nutrition!

Yesterday, my women’s group completed their workshop on nutrition! If you remember, this group has created and is tending to a garden in the village, which is still flourishing despite the lack of rain and general suffocating heat. Once a week, when the women are done watering their plants, we all sit down and I teach them about eating healthy. Continue reading “Celebrating Nutrition!”

Understanding the Election from SA

So right now, I live in the aftermath of successful, systemic white supremacy. America is also still heavily affected by white supremacy, but for me, what I’ve seen, the effect is a little more blatant here. My village is largely the way it is because of the racism directed against black people, of hatred for people who are not white, of the belief that people who are not white are worth less than those who are white.

Continue reading “Understanding the Election from SA”